Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Colors of Autumn

We are in the midst of the autumn season and yet the vivid backdrop of sugar maple reds, the birch yellows and golds and the rich sienna oak leaf hues remain far away to the north. I had the chance to explore these environs on a recent trip we took to the great northern woods of the White Mountains. It was a magical setting and a wonderful opportunity for hikes in the woods and breathtaking photographs.

Radiant dappled light illuminated the landscape in stunning Technicolor. Late summer flowers still bloomed with a rainbow backdrop of fall foliage while an assortment of colorful butterflies hovered over flowers to retrieve nectar. The mountain foliage was a sea of brilliant golden yellows and oranges of the beech and birch trees which contrasted with the deep greens of the forest canopy and pine trees lining the hillsides. The accents of golden oranges and reds came from the mountain ash trees that were interspersed between the yellows and greens.

We also discovered spectacular hidden waterfalls where frigid mountain waters raced to the reflective rivers and streams below. The light breezes along the quiet mountain roads showered endless leaves that danced in the air and fell through the shimmering light. It was a wonderful journey.

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